Uriyadi is a 2016 Indian Tamil-language political action thriller film written, directed and produced by newcomer Vijay Kumar under the production banner Souvenir Productions with Nalan Kumarasamy, Sameer Bharat Ram and Satish Swaminathan presented and co-produced the film. The film stars Vijay Kumar, Mime Gopi, Citizen Sivakumar, Chandru Kumar, Henna Bella, Jeyakanth Velu and Suruli. Set in the 1990s, it revolves around four bachelors, whose carefree lives take a turn when they are embroiled in a political fight, but they end up finding their mutual interconnections.
Release Date | Friday, May 27, 2016 |
Country | India |
Language | Tamil |
Category | Movies |
Cast | Sudhi Koppa |