The Right Juice is an English-language comedy-drama film produced in Algarve, Portugal. Directed by Kristjan Knigge, the original screenplay has been written by David Butler-Cole and Kristjan Knigge. Produced by Barbara Jane Boulter and Co-Produced by Chris Parker, the film is starring Mark Killeen, Lúcia Moniz, Miguel Damião, Ellie Chidzey, and Beau McClellan. The film is about a, failed, bankrupt and fresh from the city, who is pursuing fulfillment by growing oranges on an old farm. He and his neighbour face unprincipled enemies in a highly amusing quest to save their valley from exploitation.
Release Date | Wednesday, January 1, 2014 |
Country | Portugal |
Language | English |
Category | Movies |
Running Time: | 93 minutes |