The Place is a 2017 Italian thriller drama film directed by Paolo Genovese, who also co-authored the script. The film is a cinematographic adaptation of the 2010 American television series The Booth at the End created by Christopher Kubasik. The movie features; Marco Giallini, Alessandro Borghi, Sabrina Ferilli, Giulia Lazzarini, Vinicio Marchioni, Valerio Mastandrea, Silvio Muccino, Rocco Papaleo, Vittoria Puccini, and Alba Rohrwacher. The plot centers on a seemingly random group of nine people who want to fulfill their greatest wishes, so they enter into a Faustian pact with a mysterious man who is able to give them what they want in exchange for fulfilling his own requests.
Release Date | Sunday, January 1, 2017 |
Country | Italy |
Language | Italian |
Category | Movies |
Running Time: | 105 minutes |