The Lion Men is a Singapore action comedy film directed by Jack Neo and starring Tosh Zhang, Wang Weiliang, Eva Cheng, Noah Yap, Charlie Goh, Maxi Lim, Chen Tianwen, Zhang Xinxiang, Jaspers Lai, Bunz Bao, Rao Zi Jie and Celyn Liew. The main plot revolves around three lion dance troupes pitting themselves against one another. It also marks the third on-screen reunion of Maxi Lim, Noah Yap, Wang Weiliang, Tosh Zhang, Charlie Goh and Chen Tianwen after their first and second collaborations together in Neo's previous popular and well-known army and military movies known as Ah Boys to Men and Ah Boys to Men 2.
Release Date | Thursday, January 30, 2014 |
Country | Singapore |
Language | Singaporean Hokkien |
Category | Movies |