The Grave is a Bangladeshi English language drama film written and directed by Gazi Rakayet. It is a Bangladesh Government and Impress Telefilm funded joint venture film, based on a journey of an undertaker. It features Gazi Rakayet himself in the title role, Dilara Zaman, Deepanwita Martin, Moushumi Hamid, Sushoma Sarkar, and Shamima Tusty among others. SM Mohsin and Mamunur Rashid also make guest appearances in the film. The film was simultaneously shot in Bengali, titled Gor respectively. The film is coined as Bangladesh's first bilingual film project. The Grave is initially released in Bangladesh on 25 December 2020, and later on Hollywood as the first Bangladeshi-produced film. The film was also submitted to compete in the general category of the 94th Academy Awards; as it is the first Bangladeshi film to be competing in this category. The film was added to the 2022 Oscar Reminder List. The film bagged 11 National film awards of Bangladesh.
Release Date | Friday, December 25, 2020 |
Country | Bangladesh |
Language | Bangla |
Category | Movies |