The Delivery Boy

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The Delivery Boy is a thriller written and directed by Adekunle Adejuyigbe, a Nigerian film maker. The film stars Jammal Ibrahim, Jemima Osunde, Charles Etubiebi, Kehinde Fasuyi and a host of others. The Delivery Boy screened at film festivals including African Film Festival New York, Lights, Camera, Africa, Nollywood Week Paris, the Africa International Film Festival (AFRIFF), Lake International PanAfrican Film Festival, Real Time International Film festival (RTF), and the 9th Jagran Film Festival. It has won awards such as "The Best Nigerian Film Award" at the Africa International Film Festival and "Best Supporting Actor" at the Real Time International Film Festival (RTF) since its release in 2018.

Release DateMonday, January 1, 2018
Running Time:66 minutes