Shed Skin Papa is a 2016 Hong Kong comedy-drama film written by Norihiko Tsukada and Roy Szeto based on Tsuksda's Japanese play Nukegara, and directed by Szeto, who had previously directed an award-winning Hong Kong stage adaptation of the play titled Shed Skin in 2011. The film stars Louis Koo as a washed-out, debt-ridden film director who must take care of his seventy nine-year-old dementia-ridden father, who begins to shed a layer a skin everyday where regains his youth. Shed Skin Papa made its world premiere at the 29th Tokyo International Film Festival on 26 October 2016 where it was shown in competition for the Tokyo Grand Prix The film was theatrically released in Hong Kong on 10 May 2018.
Release Date | Wednesday, October 26, 2016 |
Country | Hong Kong |
Language | Cantonese |
Category | Movies |