Paava Kadhaigal is a 2020 Indian Tamil-language anthology drama film consisting of four short films directed by Sudha Kongara, Gautham Vasudev Menon, Vetrimaaran and Vignesh Shivan. Through four unique stories, the film explores how pride, honour, and sin influence complex relationships of love. The anthology features an ensemble cast including Kalidas Jayaram, Sai Pallavi, Prakash Raj, Simran, Anjali and Gautham Vasudev Menon. It released in Netflix on 18 December 2020, to mostly positive reviews from both critics and audience.
Release Date | Friday, December 18, 2020 |
Director | Sudha Kongara Prasad |
Country | India |
Language | Tamil |
Category | Movies |
Cast | Bhavani Sre |
Distributor | Netflix |