Oloibiri is a 2016 Nigerian action thriller film directed by Curtis Graham, produced by Rogers Ofime and starring Olu Jacobs and Richard Mofe Damijo. The film tells a story on how government agencies, along with oil companies exploited the newly discovered oil in the historic town of Oloibiri. The film had its premier on 21 October 2016 at the Shell Nigeria hall, Muson center, Onikan. Former head of state, General Yakubu Gowon, former Secretary general, Commonwealth, Emeka Anyaoku were present at the event. Speaking to Channels TV after watching the film, former Minister for Information, Professor Jerry Gana described the film as having a "clear and powerful message" on the sufferings of people in the Niger Delta. He also encouraged other filmmakers to make more of such films. Richard Mofe Damijo, who played the role of a disgruntled indigene, who became a militant, "Gunpowder" in the oil rich town described his role as a "modern day Robinhood". He also stated that he hopes government and international organizations will come to the aid of people in Niger Delta.
Release Date | Friday, October 21, 2016 |
Country | Nigeria |
Language | English |
Category | Movies |