Number 1 is a 2020 Singaporean comedy-drama film written by Jaspers Lai and directed by Ong Kuo Sin. The film stars Mark Lee, Henry Thia, Kiwebaby Chang, Jaspers Lai, Kenneth Chia and Darius Tan. The film revolves around an out-of-work middle-aged man who accidentally becomes a night club drag queen sensation. Mark Lee, Henry Thia and Gadrick Chin would later collaborate again in the future local celebrity and successful film director Jack Neo durian movie known as The King of Musang King, in which Lee also portrayed a very similar role just like this film where both roles featured his characters looking for many jobs and work on them but ultimately were all failed attempts, which led them working as a durian seller with his family in that film and drag queen in this film respectively.
Release Date | Thursday, October 22, 2020 |
Country | Singapore |
Language | Singaporean Hokkien |
Category | Movies |
Running Time: | 100 minutes |