King of Boys is a 2018 Nigerian crime political thriller film written, co-produced and directed by Kemi Adetiba. It is the second movie directed by Kemi Adetiba following the release of The Wedding Party. It reunites Kemi Adetiba with Adesua Etomi and Sola Sobowale, after they worked together in her directorial debut, The Wedding Party. The movie is focused on power tussle and stars rappers Illbliss and Reminisce in their movie debut roles. Other casts member include Paul Sambo, Osas Ajibade Ighodaro, Toni Tones, Sani Muazu, Demola Adedoyin and Akin Lewis.
Release Date | Friday, October 26, 2018 |
Country | Nigeria |
Language | Hausa |
Category | Movies |
Running Time: | 169 minutes |