Kamen Rider Heisei Generations Forever is a 2018 Japanese superhero film in the Movie War line of the Kamen Rider Series. It serves as a crossover between the television series Kamen Rider Zi-O and Kamen Rider Build and is the third film of the Generations series. Aside the casts of Zi-O and Build, the casts of Kamen Rider Den-O and Kamen Rider W also participate, as well as some lead actors from other Kamen Rider Series performing voice-only cameos. The film was released nationally in Japan on December 22, 2018. This is the last Heisei-era Kamen Rider movie, released four months before the 2019 Japanese imperial transition.
Release Date | Monday, January 1, 2018 |
Country | Japan |
Language | Japanese |
Category | Movies |