Janet Jackson

Thumbnail for Janet Jackson

Janet Jackson is a limited-run documentary television series produced by American singer Janet Jackson and her brother Randy Jackson, and directed by Benjamin Hirsch. The series was developed over a period of three years by Rick Murray at Workerbee Documentary Films who executive produced. The documentary series premiered 28 January 2022, with the first two episodes of the four-part series airing on Lifetime and A&E simultaneously in the United States. The next two episodes aired the following night, 29 January. On 29 January 2022, Jackson previewed a clip of a new song, "Luv I Luv", during the end credits of the last episode. The documentary premiered in the United Kingdom on Sky Documentaries and streaming service NOW on 31 January 2022.

Release DateFriday, January 28, 2022
CountryUnited States of America

Cast of Janet Jackson