Ankhon Dekhi is a 2014 Indian Hindi-language drama film written and directed by Rajat Kapoor and produced by Manish Mundra. It stars Sanjay Mishra and Rajat Kapoor. The film was released on 21 March 2014. It was the opening film at the 8th annual Mosaic International South Asian Film Festival (MISAFF) 2014 in Toronto. It is Kapoor's fifth feature film and was dedicated to his idols and teachers: filmmakers Mani Kaul and Kumar Shahani. At the 2015 Screen Awards ceremony, Ankhon Dekhi won the awards for Best Supporting Actress for Seema Pahwa, Best Story and Best Ensemble Cast. The movie is based on the philosophy of empiricism. Bauji refuses to believe anything he is told unless he has seen it with his own eyes. The movie also encompasses the Derridean philosophy of deconstructing of reality.
Release Date | Tuesday, January 1, 2013 |
Country | India |
Language | Hindi |
Category | Movies |
Running Time: | 101 minutes |