Ah Boys to Men 2 is a 2013 Singaporean-Chinese military comedy film produced and directed by Jack Neo, written by Neo, Lim Teck and Leonard Lai. It is the second of two cinematic parts. It stars Joshua Tan, Maxi Lim, Noah Yap, Wang Weiliang, Tosh Zhang, Ridhwan Azman, Aizuddiin Nasser and Charlie Goh in the second installment. It was released on February 1, 2013. It is the highest-grossing Singaporean film of all time, and has grossed over four times of its S$3 million budget. Maxi Lim, Noah Yap, Wang Weiliang, Tosh Zhang, Charlie Goh and Chen Tianwen would later collaborate again in Neo's next project movie known as The Lion Men and The Lion Men: Ultimate Showdown.
Release Date | Friday, February 1, 2013 |
Country | Singapore |
Language | Standard Mandarin |
Category | Movies |
Running Time: | 113 minutes |