Sanjeev Tyagi, also credited as Sanjeev Tyaagi, is an Indian television and film actor, known for his role as police inspector in Crime Patrol at Sony TV. He appeared in most of the Crime Patrol's episodes. He appeared in Akshay Kumar's Baby and played the role of D. Mishra in Hanak, a movie based on Vikas Dubey's life. He is vocal about women and child safety.
Tyagi started his career with DD National Shows. From 2011 through 2021, and starting again in 2022, he played Abhimanyu Jindal, an angry police inspector in Crime Patrol.
Date of Birth | 29th June 1971 |
Age | 53 Years |
Zodiac Sign | Cancer |
Country | India |
Current City | Meerut |
Language | English |
Reference | IMDB |
Spouses | Dipali Tyagi |
Occupation | actor, television actor, film actor |
Career Start | 2000 (24 years ago) |