Lawyer Jagadish, also known as Jagadeesh Mahadev, is a controversial and high-profile lawyer from Karnataka, recently making headlines due to his participation in Bigg Boss Kannada Season 11. He rose to prominence with his involvement in several notable cases, including the Darshan case and the infamous CD scandal involving a Karnataka minister. Jagadish's outspoken personality and bold remarks have garnered attention, both in the courtroom and on social media, where he is active. Jagadish, often referred to as "Vakil Saab," hails from Kodigehalli, Bengaluru. Despite facing several legal challenges, including a ban from practicing law in Karnataka due to his involvement in a scuffle with a senior police officer, he remains a popular figure among his supporters. His entry into Bigg Boss Kannada is expected to bring drama and intrigue, given his controversial background and outspoken demeanor.
Country | India |
Birth Place | Kodigehalli, Bengaluru |
Aliases | Jagadeesh Mahadev, Vakil Saab, Jagadeesh K N Mahadev |
Father | B Narayanaswamy |
Mother | V Susheela |
Children | Arya |
Education |